The ECA recently concluded its successful participation in the 112th International Labour Conference (ILC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO), held from June 3 – 14, 2024.

This annual gathering of more than 5000 social partners – representatives of workers, employers, and governments – from ILO member states convene in Geneva for two (2)-weeks of deliberations and discussions on labour policies and to negotiate international labour standards.

Among other topics, this session of the ILC featured two (2) policy discussions – a Recurrent Discussion on the Strategic Objective of Fundamental Principles and Rights and Work, and a General Discussion on Decent Work in the Care Economy – both of which concluded with tripartite agreed conclusions despite what was at times, challenging discussions.

The Conference also commenced negotiations on a new International Labour Standard on Protection Against Biological Hazards in the Working Environment, following a double discussion format, which will conclude with the adoption of a new standard following continued negotiations at the 113th ILC in 2025.

As part of the ILO’s well-established supervisory system, delegates also discussed selected country cases pertaining to the application of ILO standards.

On the sidelines of the ILC, the ECA also participated in the General Council of the International Organisation of Employers, which is the annual meeting of the IOE’s global membership of over 150 employers' organisations. IOE members discussed strategies for advancing business-friendly labour reforms, particularly in the context of challenging political environments and ongoing geopolitical tensions.

The ECA’s delegation to the ILC was led by Mr Ronald Ramlogan, CEO, and included representatives from its Board of Directors and secretariat.

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